
What Rides are on offer?

We usually have 2 or 3 rides (dependent on numbers and ability), a recreational ride, an intermediate ride and sometimes a fast ride. During the summer months, rides leave at 09.00 and during the winter months at 09.30.

Intermediate and fast rides are dependent on attendees, distance could be in excess of +40 miles & speed will be typically +18mph (however all agreed at pre depart gathering).

Recreational rides, usually on Sundays, occasionally on other days, these rides are slower paced and always include at least one cafe stop. They can be local rides but sometimes may venture into London, Kent or further afield by ferry or train.

RSPB Stanford

There is a Wednesday ride from Orsett war memorial, Orsett village which leaves at 10am. The ride always includes a café stop and follows a 25 mile route back to Orsett. Sometimes, perhaps if we are going to attend a road or gravel bike sportive, some riders may do some hill training or do an off road ride. Every ones skills and needs can be catered for. The ride always includes a café stop.

We also have other Saturday and midweek rides organised on an ad hoc basis, please contact the club secretary for more information Club Secretary

Making Arrangements

Communication about rides is through club WhatsApp groups – you must be a club member to be added to the group.

Members post their rides on Strava, always good for a few Kudos points and there is a Gateway Cycling Strava club as well.